Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Ghana @59 Brochure : After 59 Years, Ghana is Now an Island - Strategically Positioned on the Equator !!

Ghanaian Citizens all over the world on Sunday 6th March, celebrated the nation's 59th independence day. Members trooped to the various gathering centers to make merry and have fun but, an official Brochure prepared by the Government to commemorate the occasion rather positioned Ghana in a different spectrum with full of mistakes and unpardonable errors, Ghanaians keep asking what accounted for this to the extend that our Geographical location even as a country could not clearly be described . In it, a portion of our history read, "Ghana has Checkered but interesting history in the true sense of the word. As if by divine-designed, Ghana is strategically positioned on the Equator making her the centre of the of the globe. And like the sun she radiates light to all parts of the world!"

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